Run automation tests on HyperExecute using NUnit
HyperExecute lets you run E2E (end-to-end) Selenium tests at the fastest possible speed. Unlike normal Selenium grid that involves multiple hops during the process of test execution, speed of execution on HyperExecute Grid is super fast as the code is executed on a secure cloud.
End-to-end encryption of the data (including the source code) ensures that the data is secure whether it is rest or in transit. YAML-based workflow helps in realizing the benefits of optimal test execution and orchestration. Along with the unique features offered by HyperExecute, you also get access to a host of LambdaTest cloud features like detailed logs, Smart CI features, network insights, video recording, access to a range of browsers & platforms on the cloud, amongst others.
HyperExecute has several state of the art features to help you optimize your testing process. Go through the features page to take a look at all the tools that HyperExecute offers.
HyperExecute is compliant with leading security standards - SOC2, GDPR, and CCPA. Refer to HyperExecute Getting Started Guide for more information about features offered by HyperExecute.
All the code samples in this documentation can be found in the NUnit HyperExecute GitHub repository. You can either download or clone the repository to run tests on the HyperExecute Grid.
Follow the below steps to run Gitpod button:
- Click 'Open in Gitpod' button (You will be redirected to Login/Signup page).

- Login with Lambdatest credentials. You will be redirected to HyperExecute dashboard with pop-up confirming to 'Proceed' to Gitpod editor in the new tab and current tab will show hyperexecute dashboard.
Getting started with NUnit tests on HyperExecute
The HyperExecute CLI is used for triggering tests on HyperExecute Grid. The CLI provides a host of other useful features that accelerate test execution. You should download the HyperExecute CLI binary on the host system for running tests on HyperExecute.
Shown below is the HyperExecute CLI download location for different platforms:
Platform | HyperExecute CLI download location |
Windows | |
macOS | |
Linux | |
For detailed information about HyperExecute CLI, please refer to HyperExecute CLI section in the HyperExecute getting started guide.
The fundamental difference between running Selenium tests on a cloud Selenium Grid and HyperExecute Grid is that you need not have any configurations on the local machine (i.e. the machine from where HyperExecute CLI is triggered). This is because the source code from the local machine will be zipped and securely uploaded to the cloud where the execution will be performed on the remote Virtual Machine (VM).
Prerequisites for running NUnit tests on HyperExecute Grid
Before using HyperExecute, you have to download HyperExecute CLI corresponding to the host OS. You also need to export the environment variables LT_USERNAME and LT_ACCESS_KEY that are available in the LambdaTest Profile page. Follow the below mentioned steps to set the environment variables LT_USERNAME & LT_ACCESS_KEY from the terminal.
For macOS:
For Linux:
For Windows:
The project requirements (or pre-requisites) must be installed as a part of the pre step in HyperExecute.
Here are the pre steps as mentioned in the sample Matrix and Auto-Split YAML files.
The necessary NuGet packages are fetched using the dotnet list package command. All the local packages are cleared using the nuget locals all -clear command, post which the entire project is built from scratch using the dotnet build -c Release command.
- dotnet list $project package > packages.txt
- nuget locals all -clear
- dotnet build -c Release
To reduce the upload size, it is recommended to include files to be added in the ignore list in .hyperexecuteignore which is located at the root of the project. You can modify the content of .hyperexecuteignore as per your project requirements:
The project structure is as shown below:
|--- NUnitHyperExecuteDemo
| --- Configurations
| ---- report-config.xml (NUnit report configuration)
| --- Tests
| ----- NUnitSelPlayground.cs
| ----- NUnitToDoTest.cs
| --- NUnitHyperTestDemo.csproj (NUnit Selenium HyperExecute project)
| --- .hyperexecuteignore (HyperExecute Ignore file)
| --- NUnitHyperTestDemo.sln (NUnit Selenium HyperExecute solution)
| -- yaml
|--- nunit_hyperexecute_matrix_sample.yaml
|--- nunit_hyperexecute_autopsplit_sample
Running NUnit Tests on HyperExecute Grid using Matrix Execution
Shown below is the HyperExecute YAML file for matrix execution:
version: 0.1
globalTimeout: 150
testSuiteTimeout: 150
testSuiteStep: 150
runson: win
retryOnFailure: true
maxRetries: 5
concurrency: 2
project: NUnitHyperTestDemo/NUnitHyperTestDemo.csproj
solution: NUnitHyperTestDemo.sln
NUGET_PACKAGES: 'C:\nuget_global_cache'
NUGET_HTTP_CACHE_PATH: 'C:\nuget_http_cache'
NUGET_PLUGINS_CACHE_PATH: 'C:\nuget_plugins_cache'
# PAT: ${{ .secrets.testKey }}
project: ["NUnitHyperTestDemo/NUnitHyperTestDemo.csproj"]
testmethods: ["ToDoTest", "SeleniumPlayGround"]
- dotnet list $project package > packages.txt
- nuget locals all -clear
- dotnet build -c Release
cacheKey: '{{ checksum "packages.txt" }}'
- cat yaml/nunit_hyperexecute_matrix_sample.yaml
mergeArtifacts: true
- name: ExecutionSnapshots
- NUnitHyperTestDemo/Reports/**
- dotnet test $project --filter "(Category=$testmethods)"
Here are the major pointers that you should know for executing NUnit tests using matrix execution:
- Global timeout, test suite timeout, and test suite step timeout : 90 minutes
version: 0.1
globalTimeout: 90
testSuiteTimeout: 90
testSuiteStep: 90
- The target platform is set to win using the runson key
runson: win
- The matrix constitutes of the following entries - project and test methods. This is because parallel execution will be achieved at the test method level.
project: ["NUnitHyperTestDemo/NUnitHyperTestDemo.csproj"]
testmethods: ["ToDoTest", "SeleniumPlayGround"]
- Test dependencies and required packages are installed as a part of the pre step
- dotnet list $project package > packages.txt
- nuget locals all -clear
- dotnet build -c Release
- Commands to be run after the test execution are listed in the post step. In the example, we cat the contents of yaml/nunit_hyperexecute_matrix_sample.yaml
- cat yaml/nunit_hyperexecute_matrix_sample.yaml
- The testSuites object contains a list of commands (that can be presented in an array). In the example code, commands for executing the tests are put in an array (with a '-' preceding each item). The dotnet test command is used to run tests located in the current project. In the current project, parallel execution is achieved at the method level.
- dotnet test $project --filter "(Category=$testmethods)"
Test Execution using Matrix Multiplexing
The CLI option --config is used for providing the custom HyperExecute YAML file (i.e. yaml/nunit_hyperexcecute_matrix_sample.yaml). Run the following command on the terminal to trigger the tests in C# files on the HyperExecute Grid. The --download-artifacts option is used to inform HyperExecute to download the artifacts for the job.
Shown below is HyperExecute CLI command that has to be triggered from the root folder of the project:
./hyperexecute --config --verbose yaml/nunit_hyperexecute_matrix_sample.yaml --download-artifacts --force-clean-artifacts
Visit HyperExecute Automation Dashboard to check the status of execution:

Shown below is the execution screenshot when the YAML file is triggered from the terminal:

Running NUnit Tests on HyperExecute Grid using Auto-split Execution
Shown below is the HyperExecute YAML file for auto-split execution:
version: 0.1
globalTimeout: 150
testSuiteTimeout: 150
testSuiteStep: 150
runson: win
autosplit: true
retryOnFailure: true
maxRetries: 5
concurrency: 2
project: NUnitHyperTestDemo/NUnitHyperTestDemo.csproj
solution: NUnitHyperTestDemo.sln
NUGET_PACKAGES: 'C:\nuget_global_cache'
NUGET_HTTP_CACHE_PATH: 'C:\nuget_http_cache'
NUGET_PLUGINS_CACHE_PATH: 'C:\nuget_plugins_cache'
# PAT: ${{ .secrets.testKey }}
- dotnet list $project package > packages.txt
- nuget locals all -clear
- dotnet build -c Release
- cat yaml/nunit_hyperexecute_autosplit_sample.yaml
mergeArtifacts: true
- name: ExecutionSnapshots
- NUnitHyperTestDemo/Reports/**
type: raw
mode: static
command: grep 'Category' NUnitHyperTestDemo -ir --include=\*.cs --exclude=DriverFactory.cs --exclude=HyperTestDemo.AssemblyInfo.cs | awk '{print$2}' | grep -o '".*"'
testRunnerCommand: dotnet test $solution --filter TestCategory=$test
Here are the major pointers that you should know for executing NUnit tests using auto-split execution:
- The target platform is set to win using the runson key
runson: win
- Auto-split is set to true in the YAML file
autosplit: true
- retryOnFailure is set to true to instruct HyperExecute to retry the failed commands. The retry operation is carried out till the number of retries mentioned in maxRetries are exhausted or the command execution results in a Pass.
autosplit: true
retryOnFailure: true
maxRetries: 5
- The concurrency (i.e. number of parallel sessions) is set to 5.
concurrency: 5
- Test dependencies and required packages are installed as a part of the pre step. Steps (or commands) that must run before the test execution are listed in the pre run step. In the example, the necessary NuGet packages are fetched using the dotnet list package command.
All the local packages are cleared using the nuget locals all -clear command, post which the entire project is built from scratch using the dotnet build -c Release command.
- dotnet list $project package > packages.txt
- nuget locals all -clear
- dotnet build -c Release
- Commands to be run after test execution are listed in the post step. In the example, we cat the contents of yaml/nunit_hyperexecute_autosplit_sample.yaml
- cat yaml/nunit_hyperexecute_autosplit_sample.yaml
The testDiscovery directive contains the command that provides the details of test execution.
type: raw
mode: static
command: grep 'Category' NUnitHyperTestDemo -ir --include=\*.cs --exclude=DriverFactory.cs --exclude=HyperTestDemo.AssemblyInfo.cs | awk '{print$2}' | grep -o '".*"'
testRunnerCommand: dotnet test --filter "(Category=$test)"
Running the above command on the terminal will give a list of scenarios present in the respective files:
* "ToDoTest"
* "SeleniumPlayGround"
Command to trigger Autosplit execution
Shown below is HyperExecute CLI command that has to be triggered from the root folder of the project:
./hyperexecute --config --verbose yaml/nunit_hyperexecute_autosplit_sample.yaml --download-artifacts --force-clean-artifacts
Visit HyperExecute Automation Dashboard to check the status of execution:

Shown below is the execution screenshot when the YAML file is triggered from the terminal:

Pre Steps, Post Steps, Dependency Caching, and Artifacts Management
Here are some of the advanced features (i.e. dependency caching, retries, post, and artifacts management) of HyperExecute that must be leveraged for accelerated package installation and verifying the results of the test execution. All the advanced features are applicable to Matrix and Auto-split modes.
Pre Steps and Dependency Caching
Dependency caching is enabled in the YAML file to ensure that the package dependencies are not downloaded in subsequent runs.
Set the array of files & directories to be cached. Separate folders are created for downloading global-packages, http-cache, and plugins-cache. Please refer to Configuring NuGet CLI environment variables to know more about overriding settings in NuGet.Config files.
NUGET_PACKAGES: 'C:\nuget_global_cache'
NUGET_HTTP_CACHE_PATH: 'C:\nuget_http_cache'
NUGET_PLUGINS_CACHE_PATH: 'C:\nuget_plugins_cache'
Steps (or commands) that must run before the test execution are listed in the pre run step. In the example, the necessary NuGet packages are fetched using the dotnet list package command. All the local packages are cleared using the nuget locals all -clear command, post which the entire project is built from scratch using the dotnet build -c Release command.
- dotnet list $project package > packages.txt
- nuget locals all -clear
- dotnet build -c Release
Post steps
Steps (or commands) that need to run after the test execution are listed in the post step. In the example, we cat the contents of yaml/nunit_hyperexecute_matrix_sample.yaml
- cat yaml/nunit_hyperexecute_matrix_sample.yaml
The retryOnFailure directive when set to true instructs HyperExecute to retry failed command(s). The retry operation is carried out till the number of retries mentioned in maxRetries are exhausted or the command execution results in a pass. Here is the combination of retryOnFailure and maxRetries that can be used for retrying command (or test) execution:
retryOnFailure: true
maxRetries: 5
Artifacts Management
The mergeArtifacts directive (which is by default false) is set to true for merging the artifacts and combing artifacts generated under each task.
The uploadArtefacts directive informs HyperExecute to upload artifacts [files, reports, etc.] generated after task completion. In the example, path consists of a regex for parsing the directory (i.e. NUnitHyperTestDemo/Reports/) that contain the test reports and execution screenshots.
mergeArtifacts: true
- name: ExecutionSnapshots
- NUnitHyperTestDemo/Reports/**
HyperExecute also facilitates the provision to download the artifacts on your local machine. To download the artifacts, click on Artifacts button corresponding to the associated TestID.

You can download the artifacts by clicking on the Download button as shown below:

Secrets Management
In case you want to use any secret keys in the YAML file, the same can be set by clicking on the Secrets button the dashboard.

Now create secrets that you can use in the HyperExecute YAML file.

Navigation in Automation Dashboard
Every test run on the HyperExecute Grid has a unique jobId associated with it. Each jobId can in turn constitute single (or multiple) groupId(s). You can visit HyperExecute automation dashboard for checking the status of the test execution.
HyperExecute lets you seamlessly navigate between jobId's and taskId's. The same can be done by navigating to Automation -> HyperExecute logs -> Corresponding jobId on the HyperExecute automation dashboard.

The snapshot below shows how to navigate to the respective testID for viewing the Selenium logs:

For any query or doubt, please feel free to contact us via 24×7 chat support or you can also drop a mail to
Happy testing!