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Getting started with Smart UI using K6

This documentation will act as your step-by-step guide in to perform K6 test with SmartUI.

Pre-requisites for running SmartUI with K6

  • Basic understanding of K6 is required.
  • Go to SmartUI and login along with your credentials.
  • Copy LT_USERNAME and LT_ACCESS_KEY credentials from Access Key button on the top right of the dashboard.

The following steps will guide you in running your first Visual Regression test on LambdaTest platform -

Step 1: Create a SmartUI Project

The first step is to create a project with the application in which we will combine all your builds run on the project. To create a SmartUI Project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Projects page
  2. Click on the new project button
  3. Select the platform as Web for executing your K6 tests.
  4. Add name of the project, approvers for the changes found, tags for any filter or easy navigation.
  5. Click on the Submit.

Step 2: Configure your test with K6 Desired Capabilities

Once you have created a SmartUI Project, you can generate screenshots by running automation scripts. Follow the below steps to successfully generate screenshots -

  1. Please clone the following sample Github repo (
git clone
  1. Install k6 by referring to the installation guide
brew install k6
  1. Set up the LambdaTest credentials by using the commands below in the terminal.The account details are available on your LambdaTest Profile page.

For macOS:


For Linux:


For Windows:

  1. Edit the required capabilities in your test file k6-smartui.js.
Add the following code snippet to run SmartUI with K6 in ./navigation.js
import { chromium } from 'k6/experimental/browser';
import { expect } from '';

export default async function () {
const capabilities = {
"browserName": "Chrome",
"browserVersion": "latest",
"LT:Options": {
"platform": "MacOS Ventura",
"build": "K6 Build",
"name": "K6 SmartUI test",
"user": __ENV.LT_USERNAME,
"accessKey": __ENV.LT_ACCESS_KEY,
"network": true,
"video": true,
"console": true,
'tunnel': false, // Add tunnel configuration if testing locally hosted webpage
'tunnelName': '', // Optional
'geoLocation': '', // country code can be fetched from
'smartUIProjectName': 'K6_Test_Sample', // Add the required Smart UI Project name

const wsURL = `wss://${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(capabilities))}`
const browser = chromium.connect(wsURL);

const page = browser.newPage();

try {
await page.goto("");

// Add the following command in order to take screenshot in SmartUI
await captureSmartUIScreenshot(page, "Homepage")

let element = await page.$("[name=\"q\"]");
await element.type("K6");
let title = await page.title();

expect(title).to.equal("K6 at DuckDuckGo");

// Pass the `page` object. Add `screennshotName` if you want to fetch response for a specific screenshot
await validateSmartUIScreenshots(page)

// Mark the test as passed or failed
await page.evaluate(_ => {}, `lambdatest_action: ${JSON.stringify({ action: "setTestStatus", arguments: { status: "passed", remark: "Assertions passed" },})}`);
await teardown(page, browser)
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error:: ', JSON.stringify(e))
await page.evaluate(_ => {}, `lambdatest_action: ${JSON.stringify({ action: 'setTestStatus', arguments: { status: 'failed', remark: JSON.stringify(e) } })}`)

await teardown(page, browser)
throw e

async function captureSmartUIScreenshot(page, screenshotName) {
await page.evaluate(_ => {}, `lambdatest_action: ${JSON.stringify({ action: "smartui.takeScreenshot", arguments: { screenshotName: screenshotName } })}`);

async function teardown(page, browser) {
await page.close();
await browser.close();

const validateSmartUIScreenshots = async (page, screenshotName) => {
try {
await page.waitForTimeout(10000) // Added delay to get reports of all screenshots captured

let screenshotResponse = JSON.parse(await page.evaluate(_ => {}, `lambdatest_action: ${JSON.stringify({ action: 'smartui.fetchScreenshotStatus', arguments: { screenshotName }})}`))
console.log('screenshotStatus response: ', screenshotResponse)

if (screenshotResponse.screenshotsData && Array.isArray(screenshotResponse.screenshotsData)) {
for (let i = 0; i < screenshotResponse.screenshotsData.length; i++) {
let screenshot = screenshotResponse.screenshotsData[i];
if (screenshot.screenshotStatus !== "Approved") {
throw new Error(`Screenshot status is not approved for the screenshot ${screenshot.screenshotName}`);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);

Step 3: Executing the SmartUI Test Suite on Cloud

Execute the test using the following command to run the test suite using K6

K6_BROWSER_ENABLED=true k6 run k6-smartui.js

For additional information about K6 framework please explore the documentation here

Advanced Options for Screenshot Comparison

Build Configuration - If you have multiple screenshots running the same test suite and want to run the comparison for the same test suite, want to add a build as a baseline from your test suite or need to access more SmartUI Build Config Options, click here.